How do I correct a tax return or do it after the deadline?

5 min read

once the tax return has been validated, most tax payers think that the dice are cast. However, it is very easy to modify it; it’s a right you have and many people correct the tax return after the deadline. Whether this leads to an increase or a decrease in taxes, the approach is the same. We take stock of the deadlines and the way to correct a tax return depending on whether you made it online on “impot.gouv” or sent it by paper form. I detail at the end of the article the reaction of the tax authorities and the reimbursement deadlines. The online 2023 tax return correction service opens in early August, but it can also sometimes be done in June.

The process is simple if you declare your tax online. I will first mention the tax return for the current year, which is done between April and the beginning of June. Know that you can modify it as many times as you want until the deadline. Even validated, it can be canceled and redone ad infinitum. You have a video below where I show how to do it on your impot.gouv space. Once the tax period is over, the last validated tax return is retained. However, the tax authorities will leave access possible a few days after the limit and even put the space back into service a few months later, which will allow you to resume the tax declaration if you wish. In general, the online service opens again between the beginning of August and mid-December. For example, By connecting to your space, you will see the following image.

Correction of the online tax declaration

If the online correction service is not open or has passed, it is possible to go through the same process as for the correction of paper declarations. Ditto for certain specific situations where online correction is impossible: marriage, divorce, PACS or death during the tax year. In these situations, I invite you to do as explained in the previous paragraph: send a letter to the tax authorities with the completed paper form. But if possible, you might as well check if the service is open or wait until mid-August to correct.

How do I correct a tax return sent by mail?

If you made your declaration in paper format, you will have to repeat the same process for the correction. Unfortunately, the paper correction is also mandatory if you wish to correct the declaration of the past year or of two years ago. It is imperative to go through a mail, because the online service no longer allows you to do so.

All that remains is to send everything to the tax center on which your home depends. The address is on your last tax notice . A simple letter is sufficient, but if the tax authorities owe you money following the correction, I can only advise you to send it by registered mail. For a correction that will allow a refund, I can also recommend the pre-written professional letter that appears in my guide if you have it in order to be sure that everything goes well: guide on tax tips with the correction letter .

What is the maximum time limit for correcting a tax return?

In France, the deadline for reviewing income tax is 3 years. Pay attention to the nuance because we declare in year N the income of year N-1. To be precise, you have until December 31 of year N to correct

– If he attaches the supporting document, the tax authorities will correct it directly (see deadline below). The new tax notice will be issued quickly and the €75 refunded immediately.

– If only the completed form is attached, the tax authorities may request the supporting document. Mr TaxCorrigeton may receive a letter from the tax authorities asking him for proof of the donation. He will have to make a new letter and wait for it to be processed to get his refund.

From experience, I can assure you that supporting documents are very often requested when the correction gives rise to a refund from the taxpayer. Just attach them to the first mail and everything will be fine.

What happens if the tax goes up or down? When to pay the tax or get a refund?

First important aspect: the correction will give rise to the issuance of a new tax notice. This document will then be online and you can download and print it like the previous ones (see how to find tax notices and old declarations on its online space? ). The tax office will often send you the new tax notice by post also after the correction.

Concerning the regularization, there are two situations:

 – Either the new declaration generates a reduction in the tax. The public treasury will then refund you the difference compared to what you paid. If he has your bank details, it will be by bank transfer; otherwise, you will receive a check letter.

– Either the corrected tax return increases the tax. Taxes will tell you on the new tax notice the amount you have to pay with the deadline to meet. Initiating the correction process yourself will surely allow you to avoid the 10% increase, but the late payment penalties of 0.2% per month will have to be paid.

On the deadline side, be aware that the tax authorities have three months to react to your request for rectification by mail. Either it processes the request, or it asks you for supporting documents. In the event of a refund, the file then goes through the treasury, which can slightly increase the time before you receive your refund.

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