Understanding PPI Claims: Can You Still Make a Claim After the Deadline?

12 min read

Have you ever felt like you missed out on a golden opportunity? Well, if you’re one of the millions who believe they lost their chance to make a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) claim after the infamous deadline, we have news for you! It’s time to buckle up and dive into the world of PPI claims once again. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the mystery surrounding PPI claims and answer that burning question: Can you still make a PPI claim after the deadline? So sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed as we navigate through this fascinating financial journey together!

Introduction to PPI Claims and the Deadline

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) has been a widely mis-sold product in the UK for decades. This insurance was often added to financial products such as loans, credit cards, and mortgages without the knowledge or consent of the consumer. As a result, millions of people were paying for PPI without even realising it.

In 2011, after several investigations and legal actions, it was revealed that banks and other lenders had profited billions of pounds from mis-selling PPI. As a consequence, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) set a deadline for making PPI claims in order to provide consumers with a fair chance to seek compensation for this mis-sold insurance.

The Deadline:

The FCA’s deadline for making PPI claims was initially set on August 29th, 2019. However, due to an overwhelming number of claims being made towards the end of this period, the deadline was extended by another year until August 29th, 2020.

This means that if you have not already made a claim for mis-sold PPI before these dates, you may have missed your chance to do so. It is important to note that this deadline applies only to those who have not yet submitted their claim. If you have already submitted your claim before either deadline date, it will still be processed according to normal procedures.

Why Was There A Deadline?

The primary reason behind setting a deadline for making PPI claims was to ensure that all consumers had enough time and opportunity to make their claim. The sheer volume of claims being made towards the end of the initial deadline showed that many people were unaware they had been sold PPI or simply did not know how or when they could make a claim.

Additionally, setting a clear cut-off date also allowed banks and lenders time to process all outstanding claims and provide compensation where necessary without leaving them open-endedly vulnerable to future claims.

What If You Missed the Deadline?

If you have missed the deadline for making a PPI claim, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot seek compensation for mis-sold PPI. In certain circumstances, such as if you were in exceptional circumstances or could not make a claim due to medical reasons, you may still be able to submit your claim after the deadline has passed. However, these cases will be reviewed on an individual basis and are subject to approval by the FCA.

Understanding the concept of PPI and being aware of the deadline for making a claim is crucial when seeking compensation for this mis-sold insurance. Although the initial deadline has passed, there may still be options available for those who have missed it. It is always best to seek professional advice if you are unsure about whether you can still make a PPI claim after the deadline.

The PPI Claim Deadline Explained

The PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) claim deadline has been a hot topic in the financial world for the past few years. In 2011, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) set a deadline of August 29, 2019, for consumers to make a complaint about mis-sold PPI policies. This deadline was put in place to provide a final opportunity for those who were affected by this widespread mis-selling scandal to seek compensation.

But what does this mean for those who have yet to make a claim? Can you still make a claim after the deadline has passed? The answer is yes, but there are some important factors to consider.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that the August 2019 deadline only applies to new complaints. This means that if you have already made a complaint and are awaiting a decision from your bank or lender, or if you have received compensation within the last six years, then your case will not be affected by the deadline.

If you have not yet made a complaint and want to do so now, you will need to act fast. You should start by finding out if you had PPI on any loans, credit cards or mortgages in the past. This can usually be done by checking your old statements or contacting your bank or lender directly. If you find evidence of PPI on any of your accounts, then it’s worth making a complaint before it’s too late.

If you miss the August 29th deadline and try to make a claim at a later date, your bank or lender is likely to reject it outright. However, there may be some exceptional circumstances where they may consider an extension beyond this date. These could include situations such as serious illness preventing previous claims being made or extenuating personal circumstances which meant individuals were unable to meet the deadline.

It’s also worth noting that even after the PPI claim deadline has passed; there may still be opportunities to make a claim through other avenues. For example, if you have a complaint about the way your bank or lender handled your PPI claim, you can still take this to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for review.

It’s vital to act quickly if you want to make a PPI claim before the deadline. If you do miss the deadline, there may still be some options available, but these are limited and will require strong evidence and exceptional circumstances. Therefore, it’s best not to delay and make a complaint as soon as possible if you believe you were mis-sold PPI in the past.

Can You Still Make a PPI Claim After the Deadline?

The deadline for making a PPI claim has been a hot topic ever since it was announced in 2019 that the final deadline for submitting claims would be August 29, 2019. This caused many people to panic and rush to make their claims before the cut-off date. But what about those who missed the deadline? Is there still hope for them to make a PPI claim?

The short answer is yes, you can still make a PPI claim after the deadline. However, there are some important things to keep in mind.

Firstly, it’s important to understand why there was a deadline in the first place. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) set this cutoff date as part of their efforts to bring an end to the mis-selling of PPI policies by banks and other financial institutions. It was also meant to encourage those who may have been affected by PPI mis-selling to come forward and make their claims without any further delay.

But despite this deadline, there are still circumstances where individuals can submit a claim after August 29, 2019. One such circumstance is if you were not aware that you had PPI or if your bank did not inform you about it when selling you a loan or credit card. In these cases, the six-year time limit will start from when you became aware of the mis-sold PPI or from when your bank informed you about it.

Another scenario where you may be able to submit a claim after the deadline is if your bank rejected your original complaint and didn’t mention anything about appealing within three years of their decision. In this case, you can still escalate your complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) as long as it’s within three years from when they rejected your initial complaint.

It’s worth noting that even though these scenarios allow for late submissions, they are still subject to certain limitations and restrictions based on individual circumstances. It’s always best to seek professional advice and consult with a PPI claims expert if you’re unsure about your eligibility for making a claim after the deadline.

While there was a deadline in place for submitting PPI claims, it doesn’t mean that all hope is lost if you missed it. There are still avenues available for those who were unaware of their mis-sold PPI or had their initial complaints rejected by their bank. But as with any financial matter, it’s important to do your research and seek professional guidance before proceeding with any claim submissions.

Steps to Take if You Missed the Deadline

If you have missed the deadline for making a PPI claim, do not panic. While it may seem like all hope is lost, there are still steps you can take to try and make your claim.

1. Understand the reason for missing the deadline: The first step is to understand why you missed the deadline in the first place. Was it due to lack of knowledge about PPI or did you simply forget? This will help determine your next course of action.

2. Contact your bank or lender: If you missed the deadline due to lack of knowledge, it is worth contacting your bank or lender to see if they will still consider your claim. Some banks have extended their deadlines or may be willing to review cases on an individual basis.

3. Gather evidence: It is important to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This could include any correspondence from your bank regarding PPI, statements showing payments made towards PPI, or even witness statements from family members who may have been aware of your mis-sold policy.

4. Seek professional advice: If contacting your bank does not yield any results, it may be beneficial to seek professional advice from a reputable claims management company or solicitor who specialises in PPI claims. They will be able to assess your case and advise on whether there are any other options available for making a claim.

5. Consider alternative routes: In some cases, it may be possible to make a complaint through the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) even after missing the deadline. However, this route should only be considered as a last resort and only if you believe that exceptional circumstances led to you missing the deadline.

6. Be prepared for rejection: It is important to keep in mind that making a claim after missing the deadline does not guarantee success. Your bank or lender has no legal obligation at this point to consider your case and therefore they may reject it again.

7. Stay informed: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) encourages banks and lenders to review cases even after the deadline has passed. Keep an eye on any updates or changes in regulations that may affect your case.

It is important to note that the steps above are not a guarantee for success, but they are worth considering if you have missed the PPI claims deadline. It is always advisable to act swiftly and seek professional advice as soon as possible.


After discussing the details and considerations surrounding late PPI claims, the question that remains is whether or not it is truly worth pursuing such a claim after the deadline has passed. The answer to this question ultimately depends on individual circumstances and factors.

For some individuals, making a late PPI claim may be a worthwhile endeavour. This is especially true for those who were unaware of their right to make a claim before the deadline or did not realise they had been mis-sold PPI until recently. In these cases, there may still be a chance of receiving compensation for any financial losses incurred due to mis-sold PPI.

Additionally, if an individual believes that they have strong evidence to support their case and can prove that they were indeed mis-sold PPI, then pursuing a late claim may be worth considering. It is also important to note that there are no upfront costs associated with making a late claim as most reputable claims management companies operate on a no win, no fee basis.

However, there are also certain factors that may make pursuing a late PPI claim less appealing. One major consideration is the potential length of time it may take for such a claim to be processed and resolved. With the deadline now passed, many banks and lenders are dealing with an influx of late claims which could result in longer waiting times for decisions and payouts.

Furthermore, there is always the possibility that despite making a strong case for being mis-sold PPI, the outcome may not be favourable and no compensation will be awarded. In these instances, one must weigh up whether or not putting time and effort into pursuing a late claim is worth the potential disappointment.

While there are certainly valid reasons for pursuing a late PPI claim after the deadline has passed, whether or not it is truly worth doing so will depend on individual circumstances. It is important to carefully consider all factors, such as the strength of evidence and potential waiting times, before making a decision. Ultimately, seeking professional advice from a reputable claims management company can help individuals make an informed choice about whether or not to pursue a late PPI claim.

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